You've got your SaaS idea and pinpointed the core problem it solves. Now it's time to move from concept to reality, How do you begin without investing too much time and money upfront? That's where creating a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) and a prototype comes in, they let you test your concept without committing too much time or money. Here’s how they help validate your idea

It's a smart, straightforward way to test your idea and get real user feedback. In this section, we'll break down the steps to build an MVP and a prototype, focusing on practical tips to help you get started. Let's turn your idea into a real product, one easy step at a time.

Understand the Difference Between an MVP and a Prototype

Minimum Viable product is a fully functional version of your product with just enough features to solve the core problem and gather user feedback. It’s meant to test how well your idea works in the real world and usually requires more development time and resources. 

A prototype is a preliminary model that looks and feels like the final product but doesn’t have full functionality. It’s used to test assumptions and visualize how your MVP will function. Prototypes are quicker and cheaper to make, helping you get early feedback on your concept.

When to use an MVP vs Prototype?

Use a prototype during the idea validation phase to explore and test your product concepts and design. It helps you visualize how your product might look and feel and allows you to gather early feedback on usability and design. This initial testing can guide adjustments and improvements before committing to full development.

Once your idea has been refined with a prototype, use an MVP to validate its functionality and market fit. An MVP is a working version of your product with just enough features to solve the core problem and gather real user feedback. It helps you assess how well your solution performs in the real world and determine if there’s demand for it, reducing the risk before investing further.

Prioritize Key Features:

You have already identified your target audience’s pain points, now highlight the top 3-5 features that are necessary to address the issue.

How to prioritize? 

“The best product teams are those that focus on outcomes, not outputs. They prioritize features that will deliver the most value to the user”

  • Marty Cagan, Founder Silicon Valley Product Group

Writing user stories is a popular technique, Write user stories for each feature to ensure they align with user needs. Validate these stories with potential users to confirm their relevance and importance.

There are lots of other frameworks, such as RICE, urgent vs important matrix, ICE scoring, etc.  You can explore these frameworks further here. Remember, the framework you choose is a tool to help you make decisions—it’s okay to switch if you find that another method works better for your needs.

Develop a Prototype

A tangible prototype helps you validate your idea; it helps you visualize how your MVP will function and allows you to gather early feedback before full development.

Build a clickable prototype that demonstrates the core features of your MVP. This will help you test and refine your concept based on real user interactions.

Conduct Beta Testing

Beta testing involves releasing your MVP to a select group of users to gather detailed feedback and identify any issues. 

  • Distribute your MVP to beta testers who represent your target audience. Collect their feedback on usability, functionality, and overall experience.
  •  Analyze the feedback to identify common issues or suggestions for improvement.

Refine Based on Feedback

Now, take a close look at what users are saying and spot any recurring issues. Focus on fixing the big problems that affect user experience first. Make changes gradually and test each update to ensure it’s hitting the mark. Keep looping through this process: test, tweak, and test again. This way, you’ll steadily improve your product and show users that you’re listening and evolving based on their needs.


Buffer, initially validated its idea by creating a simple landing page that described the product and allowed users to sign up for updates. After receiving significant interest, the team developed a basic version of the app with essential scheduling features. They engaged early adopters in beta testing, gathering valuable feedback that informed iterative improvements to usability and functionality. This approach enabled Buffer to refine its product based on real user needs, ultimately leading to its success in the market.