Having a brilliant idea for a product is a good start, but you need more than just the idea to bring it to life. You need technical expertise and a solid execution plan to get something out of it. As a non-technical founder, this might sound daunting, but you're in good company. Stewart Butterfield, the founder of Slack, had no software engineering experience—he graduated with a psychology degree! Yet, by assembling a technical team with coding expertise, he successfully built Slack, a company valued at around $9 billion when Amazon explored acquiring it.

Other successful tech-based businesses founded by non-technical people include Pinterest, founded by Ben Silbermann, who studied political science, and Airbnb, co-founded by Brian Chesky and Joe Gebbia, both of whom had backgrounds in design. Even Alibaba, the global e-commerce giant, was founded by Jack Ma, an English teacher before becoming an entrepreneur. These examples show that with the right team and a clear vision, non-technical founders can build highly successful tech companies. 

This guide aims to simplify the process for you, offering clear steps and practical advice to help you navigate each stage effectively, just like these successful founders did.

1. When is the Right Time to Hire?

Timing is critical when hiring your first developer. Here are key indicators:

MVP Validation: If your Minimum Viable Product (MVP) has been validated through user feedback and initial testing, it's time to hire a developer to refine and expand your product.As this article from Entrepreneur explains, "Once you have validated your MVP, it's time to bring on a technical co-founder or hire a developer to help you build out the full product."

Growth Bottlenecks: If your growth is hampered by technical limitations that you can't overcome, it's a clear sign you need a developer's expertise.

Consistent Demand: A steady stream of users or customers necessitates scaling your operations, requiring a developer to build the necessary infrastructure.

Strategic Advantage: When competitors are advancing technologically and you need to innovate to stay competitive, bringing in a developer is crucial.

2. Should You Hire?

Before deciding to hire a developer, consider these factors:

Budget Constraints: Assess your financial situation. Hiring a full-time developer can be costly, so ensure you have the budget to sustain this expense.

Alternative Solutions: Explore alternatives like no-code/low-code platforms, which might suffice for your initial needs without the complexity of hiring a developer.

Freelancers and Consultants: For short-term or specific projects, freelancers or consultants might be a more cost-effective and flexible option.

Outsourcing: Evaluate the potential of outsourcing development to specialized agencies, which can offer a range of skills and scalability without the overhead of in-house staff.

3. Who to Hire: Developer or Agency?

Once you've decided to hire, the next step is to determine whether to bring on an in-house developer or partner with a development agency.

Hiring an in-house developer gives you full control over the development process. You'll have someone who aligns with your company culture and is committed to your long-term vision. This can lead to a more cohesive team and a deeper understanding of your product. However, this option comes with higher upfront costs and the responsibility of managing an employee, which can be challenging if you lack technical expertise. Check out this guide on how to collaborate effectively with developers as a non technical founder.

On the other hand, partnering with a development agency can provide several advantages. Agencies offer access to a diverse range of skills and can scale their services according to your needs. This can result in faster turnaround times and the ability to tackle more complex projects. However, you might have less control over the development process, and communication can sometimes be a challenge. If you're considering this route, Zeepalm is an excellent option for outsourcing development work. They offer a comprehensive range of services and can help you bring your vision to life efficiently and effectively.

By carefully considering these options, you can make an informed decision that aligns with your startup's goals and resources.

4. How to Hire

Define Your Needs:

  • Project Scope: Is it a simple MVP (Minimum Viable Product) or a complex, feature-rich application?
  • Technical Skills: What programming languages and technologies are needed for your project (e.g., front-end, back-end, full-stack)?
  • Budget: Can you afford a full-time employee, a part-time contractor, or a project-based freelancer? Consider freelance platforms like Upwork or Fiverr for individual developers, or Toptal or Gun.io for pre-vetted talent.
  • Team Culture: What kind of work environment are you aiming to create? Remote or in-house? Look for someone who aligns with your company culture and values.

Writing a Job Description: Clearly outline the project requirements, technical skills needed, experience level, and desired qualities. Platforms like Stack Overflow offer templates for writing effective developer job descriptions.

Finding Candidates:

  • Your Network: Reach out to your network of friends, colleagues, or advisors. Someone you trust might have a great recommendation.
  • Online Job Boards: Utilize platforms like Stack Overflow Jobs, AngelList, or LinkedIn to find developers with the specific skillset you need.
  • Technical Recruiters: Consider working with a recruiter specializing in finding tech talent.

The Interview Process

  • Technical Screening: While a deep technical assessment might be difficult for a non-technical founder, consider online coding tests on platforms like HackerRank or Codility to gauge basic skills.
  • Focus on Soft Skills: Assess communication skills, problem-solving abilities, cultural fit, and their ability to understand your vision. Prepare questions that delve into their thought process and approach to challenges.
  • Trial Project: Consider a paid test project to evaluate not just technical skills, but also their ability to meet deadlines and follow your instructions.

Making the Offer: Once you've identified the best candidate, present a competitive offer with clear compensation details, benefits (if applicable), and project expectations. Equity might be an attractive option to incentivize your first developer, especially for startups.

5. How to Manage

Clear Communication: Clearly articulate the project vision, goals, and priorities. Break down tasks into manageable chunks and set realistic deadlines. Regular check-in meetings help ensure everyone's on the same page.

Embrace Agile Development: Consider Agile methodologies like Scrum, which promotes iterative development with short cycles of planning, development, testing, and feedback. This allows for flexibility and adaptation as the project progresses.

Utilize Project Management Tools: Platforms like Trello, Asana, or Jira help you visualize tasks, track progress, and manage deadlines effectively.

Invest in Learning: While a deep technical understanding is not essential, familiarize yourself with basic software development terminology and processes. This will help you communicate better with your developer and make informed decisions.

6. How to Keep Ownership

Document Everything: Document your vision, project requirements, and technical specifications. This will help avoid misunderstandings and ensure everyone is aligned.

Code Reviews (Partner Up): While you might need help understanding the code, partner with your developer to review high-level functionalities and architecture. This helps you maintain a basic understanding of how the system works and identify potential issues.

Learn the Basics of Code Version Control: Systems like Git allows you to track changes to your codebase. Understanding version control basics helps you maintain a clear history of the development process.


Hiring your first developer can be challenging yet incredibly rewarding. By carefully assessing the time to hire, evaluating whether you need an in-house developer or an agency, and making informed decisions based on your startup’s needs and resources you can set your business on a path to success.