If you can't write code, you might call yourself a "non-technical founder." That label is only partly true. In the business world, being "technical" isn't just about coding or having a fancy degree. It’s more about having a good grasp of your product or service. This post will help you learn how to manage a technical team even if you don’t have a coding background.

Many people get overwhelmed by the idea of managing a technical team, and it’s understandable— you don't speak the same language, their jargon is completely different and you might end up singing off on something you don’t really understand or need.

Technical Co-Founders

Having a technical co-founder can be a huge asset for any non-technical entrepreneur. Their expertise breathes life into your vision, but as Reid Hoffman, co-founder of LinkedIn, once said, 

"No matter how good the idea, it takes a team to make it reality." 

A successful partnership requires careful consideration from the get-go.

Balancing Equity and Decision-Making

Think of companies like Apple (Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak) or Ben & Jerry's (Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield). Both highlight the importance of complementary skill sets. Equity (ownership stake) should reflect each co-founder's contribution. As Forbes advises, have an open discussion about a fair split that incentivizes both of you.

Decision-making should also be clear. Will it be a collaborative effort, or will certain areas be each co-founder's domain? Defining these roles upfront helps avoid conflicts down the line.

As Frederik Bussler writes in Forbes,

"A transparent conversation about decision-making rights upfront can save a lot of headaches down the line."

Avoiding Misalignment

Disagreements are inevitable, but as Sheryl Sandberg, COO of Meta Platforms, advises, 

"The most important thing in communication is hearing what isn't being said." 

Regularly discuss expectations, goals, and your long-term vision. Airbnb's co-founders, Brian Chesky and Joe Gebbia, maintained a strong partnership because they focused on finding solutions that benefitted the company, even when they disagreed.

Building a Lasting Partnership

Respect, trust, and open communication are the cornerstones of a successful technical co-founder relationship. Celebrate each other's wins, support each other through challenges, and remember the shared vision that brought you together.

How Much Do You Need To Know? 

What matters the most is having a solid grasp of the big picture. Additionally, having a foundational understanding of development practices would make a world of difference. 

Dan Martell, founder of SaaS academy suggests learning about these three concepts:
1- Source Code Management: you need to know what platform your team is using to store and manage code and get yourself admin access.

2- CI/CD pipeline: Ask your developers about how often are the code bases being deployed, and ideally bring it up to at least once a week. 

 3- Agile Development: Define clear user stories, work in time-boxed sprints, and provide continuous feedback to empower Agile implementation.

Leading the Dev Team

Leading a team of developers can be intimidating for non-technical founders, but it's all about effective leadership, not coding skills.

"The best CEOs I know are not the smartest people in the room. They are the people who can assemble the smartest people in the room."

- Tobi Lutke, CEO of Shopify 

Focus on the "Why"

Your developers are the technical wizards, but you're the business strategist. Clearly communicate the “why behind your product or service. What problem are you solving, and for whom? When your team understands the bigger picture, they can translate your vision into technical solutions.

Understanding the Basics

You don't need to be a programmer, but familiarizing yourself with basic development terms fosters stronger communication. Learn about common programming languages, development methodologies (like Agile), and the development process stages. This shows your team you're invested in their work. For a deeper dive, check out: 20 Expert Tips for Running a Tech Company as a Non-Tech Founder.

Building Trust and Transparency

Your developers are talented and creative. Create an environment where they feel comfortable sharing ideas, raising concerns, and even making mistakes (within reason). Regular team meetings and one-on-ones are crucial for building trust and keeping everyone aligned.

"Trust is the foundation of creating a truly cohesive team."

- Patrick Lencioni, Author of "Five Dysfunctions of a Team”

Empowerment, Not Micromanagement

Let your developers do what they do best – develop! Set clear deadlines and expectations, but empower them to find creative solutions. Happy, trusted developers create better products.

"Micromanagement can stifle innovation and creativity, decrease employee morale, and ultimately, hurt the bottom line."

- How to Stop Micromanaging and Start Empowering, Lia Garvin

Other Responsibilities

Although you cannot code, doesn't mean you cannot directly contribute to the production process, you can help your team by giving direct feedback, speeding up the process rather than being vague, and you can critically evaluate their performance. Be clear and direct 

Familiarize yourself with the productivity tools your tech team uses. Whenever you come across a bug, rather than calling a meeting or sending an email, you create a user story and put it in Trello (if that’s what your team is using), it’ll put your feedback into the team’s existing workflow. 

Engaging a Technical Advisor

John Teel, founder of Predictable Designs, talks about the importance of having a technical advisor in this podcast, he specifically highlights the importance of quality assurance and design review for the success of your business. 

Some startups opt to work with Technical Advisors or Consultants, which gives the founder more control over the business. Instead of hiring a full-time employee, you can establish a contract-based relationship and arrange weekly or bi-weekly meetings. A technical advisor offers guidance, reviews strategies, and helps solve specific technical challenges. They aren’t involved in the day-to-day operations or management, allowing you to benefit from their expertise without the commitment of a full-time hire. You can find technical advisors on platforms like Upwork, Fiverr, and other freelance marketplaces.