Working remotely has become increasingly common, especially since the global rise of COVID-19. Companies nowadays routinely collaborate with offshore developers, and teams often work across different time zones, outsourcing development tasks to specialized teams.

While this approach saves time, offers flexibility, and provides access to global talent, managing projects with remote teams or dev shops can become quite challenging. Therefore, effectively managing the project becomes crucial to ensure good collaboration, work productivity, and successful outcomes. So, here are some ways to manage your project when working with a remote team or dev shop.

1. Establish a Good Platform for Clear Communication

When it comes to managing a successful project, the number one priority is to establish good communication within the team. This can be achieved by utilizing various communication tools, such as video conferencing, chat platforms, and project management software, to keep everyone on the same page. Platforms like Slack, Asana, and Trello can be used for this purpose. Regularly schedule meetings to foster a strong workplace communication bond and ensure transparency by keeping everyone informed about ongoing developments.

2. Define Clear Project Goals

The next and most important step is to set clear project goals before diving into the actual project. Define the project's objectives, outcomes, and timelines. This will help create a roadmap for the team, ensuring everyone is aligned with the project's purpose and direction. Additionally, break down the project into manageable chunks of tasks, outline the roles and responsibilities of everyone, and establish milestones to track progress. This approach will help the team understand the expectations and the work required to complete the job.

3. Set Realistic Expectations and Deadlines

Setting realistic expectations and deadlines is crucial when working with a remote team. Understand that everyone has different time zones and working hours, which might require extensions or delays. However, you can utilize these time zone differences to your advantage. As your team members in different time zones wrap up their day, others are just starting. When setting deadlines, involve your remote team members in the planning process. This allows them to voice their concerns and offer their estimates of individual workloads and schedules. Then, you can set goals and deadlines to align with each other, creating a continuous workflow that can lead to faster work completion. Be transparent about project timelines and communicate any adjustments needed to manage expectations effectively.

4. Promote knowledge sharing

Promote knowledge sharing within the team. Create an environment for learning and knowledge sharing. Cultivate a strong team culture so that even after the project ends, you can collaborate with them again. Encourage team members to help each other and share their experiences and insights on things. This will not only enhance the overall dynamics of the team but will also contribute to a culture of continuous learning and improvement.

5. Regularly Monitor Progress

Regularly monitor your team's progress by establishing a daily check-in system and providing status updates. Use project management tools for this purpose to track tasks and identify any issues that may arise. This approach will not only help you ensure that everything aligns with the project timeline and goals but also allow you to timely resolve any issues that may occur during the project.

6. Provide Feedback

When working with a remote team, regularly monitoring and providing feedback is crucial. Offering constructive feedback to the team will help them understand expectations and identify areas where improvement is needed in their performance. Communicate with the team on what is working well and where improvements can be made. Encourage them to ask questions and provide their feedback on things, making them feel involved in the project. This collaborative approach will foster a sense of engagement and continuous improvement within the team.

7. Trust your Team

Another important thing is to trust your team. Managing a remote team can be a challenging task due to factors such as time differences and geographical distances, but be patient with your team and trust the process. Trust your team members in making decisions regarding the tasks they are working on. Allow them to manage their work independently in their respective areas of expertise. If you don't trust your team, it can create delays in productivity and create a less helpful working environment. 

8. Evaluate the project

The final step is to evaluate the project when it is complete. Conduct a thorough evaluation and perform various tests to check if everything is working according to the plan. If any issues arise, provide feedback and guide the team on necessary adjustments. This post-project evaluation is crucial for identifying successes, and areas for improvement, and determining what not to do in the future.

In conclusion, managing a project with a remote team or dev shop requires effective communication with your team, setting clear goals, establishing realistic expectations, continuous monitoring, implementing feedback mechanisms, and conducting a thorough evaluation of the project.

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