Ionic is an open-source framework for building hybrid mobile apps using web technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. This tutorial covers everything you need to get started with Ionic, from setting up your development environment to deploying your app to app stores.

Key Takeaways

  • Leverage Web Skills: Build mobile apps for iOS and Android using your existing web development skills.
  • Easy to Use: Ionic is designed to be beginner-friendly and easy to learn.
  • Single Codebase: Create apps for multiple platforms with a single codebase.

Getting Started

  1. Install Prerequisites: Node.js, npm, and the Ionic CLI.
  2. Create a New Project: Use the ionic start command to create a new Ionic project.
  3. Understand the Project Structure: Familiarize yourself with the src folder and app.module.ts file.

Building and Testing

  • Create New Pages: Use the Ionic generator to create new pages and components.
  • Test with ionic serve: Use the ionic serve command to test your app in a web browser.
  • Test on Devices: Use Live Reload to test your app on physical devices and emulators.

Advanced Features

  • Native Device Features: Access native device capabilities like the camera and GPS using Ionic plugins.
  • Photo Gallery: Create a photo gallery by capturing images with the camera plugin.


  • Prepare for Production: Archive your app and create a new version for submission.
  • Publish to App Stores: Submit your app for review, and once approved, publish it to the App Store.
Quick Comparison
- iOS
- Android
- HTML, CSS, JavaScript
- Angular
- Native Plugins
Key Features
- Single Codebase
- Native Device Access
- App Store Deployment

Setting Up Your Development Environment

To start building a mobile app with Ionic, you need to set up a development environment. This section will guide you through the process of installing the necessary tools and creating a new Ionic project.

Installing Node.js, npm, and the Ionic CLI


To build an Ionic app, you need to install Node.js, npm (Node Package Manager), and the Ionic CLI (Command-Line Interface). Here's how:

Tool Description
Node.js A JavaScript runtime environment that allows you to run JavaScript on the server-side.
npm The package manager for Node.js, used to install and manage dependencies.
Ionic CLI A command-line tool that helps you create, build, and manage Ionic projects.

To install Node.js and npm, go to the official Node.js website and download the latest version of Node.js. Once installed, open a terminal or command prompt and run the following commands to verify the installation:

node --version
npm --version

Next, install the Ionic CLI globally using npm:

npm install -g @ionic/cli

This command installs the Ionic CLI and its dependencies.

Creating a New Ionic Project

Now that you have the Ionic CLI installed, you can create a new Ionic project. To do this, run the following command:

ionic start myApp blank

This command creates a new Ionic project called myApp using the blank template. The blank template is a basic template that includes the minimum required files and folders for an Ionic project.

Once the project is created, navigate to the project directory:

cd myApp

Now you can start building your Ionic app. In the next section, we'll explore the project structure and learn how to create new pages and components.

Note: Make sure you have the latest version of Node.js and npm installed on your system. Also, ensure that you have a stable internet connection to download the required dependencies.

Understanding the Project Structure

Now that you've created a new Ionic project, it's essential to understand the project structure and the role of each file and folder. This will help you navigate and work with your project efficiently.

Exploring the src Folder

The src folder is the most important folder in your Ionic project. It contains most of the files and folders that you'll be working on to create your application. The src folder is divided into several subfolders, each with its own specific purpose.

Here's a breakdown of the src folder structure:

Folder/Subfolder Description
app Holds the code for your application
assets Contains static assets like images, fonts, and icons
environments Holds environment-specific configuration files
theme Contains theme-related files for your application

The app.module.ts File

The app.module.ts file is a crucial file in the Angular-based architecture of Ionic apps. It defines the basic structure and initial navigation of the app. In this file, you define which page will be the first one and the options and navigations of the side menu. You'll also get notified when the platform is ready and your plugins (Cordova and native stuff) are available.

Understanding the project structure is crucial for building and maintaining a successful Ionic app. By familiarizing yourself with the src folder and the app.module.ts file, you'll be able to create new pages, components, and services, and effectively manage your project.

Building a New Page

Creating a new page in your Ionic app is a straightforward process. Ionic provides a generator that can create a new page for you, saving you time and effort.

Using Ionic Components

To create a new page, you can use the Ionic generator by running the following command in your terminal:

ionic generate page contact

This will create a new page called contact with the necessary files and folders. You can then use Ionic's built-in components to create a user-friendly interface. For example, you can use the ion-card component to create a card-based layout:

    Contact Us
    <!-- Your content here -->

Working with Angular Components and Services


In addition to using Ionic components, you can also use Angular components and services to add functionality to your app. For example, you can create a new Angular component to handle form submissions:

import { Component } from '@angular/core';

  selector: 'app-contact',
  template: `
    <form (ngSubmit)="submitForm()">
      <!-- Your form fields here -->
export class ContactComponent {
  submitForm() {
    // Your form submission logic here

By using Ionic's generator and built-in components, you can quickly create a new page and add functionality to your app. In the next section, we'll explore how to test your app using ionic serve.

Testing Your App

Testing your app is a crucial step in the development process. It ensures that your app works as expected and provides a good user experience. In this section, we'll explore how to test your app using Ionic's built-in features and tools.

Live Development with ionic serve

The ionic serve command is a powerful tool for live testing and development. It allows you to see the changes you make to your app in real-time, without having to rebuild and redeploy the app. To use ionic serve, simply run the command in your terminal:

ionic serve

This will start a development server that will reload your app automatically whenever you make changes to the code. You can then access your app in a web browser by navigating to http://localhost:8100.

Testing Across Platforms

Testing your app across different platforms is essential to ensure that it works as expected on various devices and operating systems. Ionic provides several tools and features to make this process easier.

Using Live Reload

Live Reload allows you to test your app on a physical device or emulator while making changes to the code. To use Live Reload, you'll need to install the Ionic CLI and native-run, a cross-platform command-line utility for running native binaries on devices and simulators/emulators.

Here's how to use Live Reload for Android and iOS devices:

Platform Command
Android ionic cap run android -l --external
iOS ionic cap run ios -l --external

By using ionic serve and Live Reload, you can quickly and easily test your app across different platforms and devices, ensuring that it provides a good user experience for all users.

Adding Advanced Features

In this section, we'll explore how to add more advanced features to your Ionic app, including using native device capabilities and creating a photo gallery.

Using Native Device Features

Ionic provides a range of native plugins that allow you to access native device features, such as the camera, GPS, and file system. These plugins are built on top of Apache Cordova and provide a JavaScript interface to native platform APIs.

To use native plugins in your Ionic app, you'll need to install the plugin using npm or yarn, and then import it into your component. For example, to use the camera plugin, you would install it using the following command:

npm install @ionic-native/camera

Then, in your component, you would import the plugin and use its methods to access the camera:

import { Camera } from '@ionic-native/camera/ngx';

constructor(private camera: Camera) { }

takePicture() {{
    quality: 90,
    allowEditing: true,
    resultType: CameraResultType.Uri
  }).then(imageData => {
  }).catch(error => {

To create a photo gallery in your Ionic app, you'll need to use the camera plugin to capture images, and then display them in a gallery component.

Here's an example of how you might create a photo gallery component:

import { Component, NgZone } from '@angular/core';
import { Camera } from '@ionic-native/camera/ngx';

  selector: 'app-photo-gallery',
  template: `
        <ion-col *ngFor="let image of images">
          <img [src]="image" />
export class PhotoGalleryComponent {
  images = [];

  constructor(private camera: Camera, private ngZone: NgZone) { }

  takePicture() {{
      quality: 90,
      allowEditing: true,
      resultType: CameraResultType.Uri
    }).then(imageData => { => {
    }).catch(error => {

In this example, we use the camera plugin to capture an image, and then add it to an array of images. We then use an ion-grid component to display the images in a gallery layout.

By using native plugins and components, you can create a more advanced and feature-rich Ionic app that provides a great user experience.

Deploying to App Stores

Preparing for Production

Before publishing your app to the App Store, you need to prepare it for release. Here's what to do:

  • Archive the iOS application using Xcode. This creates a .ipa file, similar to the .apk file for Android.
  • Ensure you have an Apple Developers Account (App Store connect Account) and Xcode installed on your Mac.
  • Create an app in App Store Connect, providing required information like app name, bundle ID, and app screenshots.
  • Select the Archive option in Product Options in XCode, and then select Distribute App to create a new version of the iOS build.

Publishing to App Stores

Once your app is prepared, you can publish it to the App Store. Here's how:

Step Action
1 Select the App Store Connect distribution method and click Next.
2 Select the platform and destination for the app upload.
3 Click Upload and wait for the upload to complete.
4 Submit the app for review. This may take up to a week, but Apple will review your app and contact you if there are any issues.
5 If your app is approved, it will be published to the App Store, and you can make it available for download.

By following these steps, you can successfully deploy your Ionic app to the App Store. Remember to test your app thoroughly before submitting it for review to ensure it meets Apple's guidelines and provides a great user experience.

Conclusion and Next Steps

In this Ionic Framework tutorial, we've covered the essential steps to build your first mobile app using Ionic. You've learned how to set up your development environment, create a new Ionic project, understand the project structure, build a new page, test your app, add advanced features, and deploy to app stores.

Key Takeaways

Here are the key concepts we've covered in this tutorial:

Concept Description
Ionic components Using Ionic components and Angular components and services
Native device features Working with native device features
Photo gallery Creating a photo gallery
App store deployment Preparing and publishing your app to the App Store

Continuing Your Ionic Learning

Now that you've completed this tutorial, you're ready to take your Ionic development skills to the next level. Here are some next steps to consider:

  • Explore the official Ionic documentation and tutorials for more advanced topics and best practices
  • Join the Ionic community to connect with other developers, ask questions, and share your experiences
  • Build more complex apps using Ionic to solidify your understanding of the framework
  • Stay up-to-date with the latest Ionic releases and features to ensure your apps remain modern and competitive

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