Eve Assist AI - A general chatbot for business and travel

AI Chatbot App
Eve Assist AI is a versatile virtual assistant that offers various modes to cater to different aspects of your life. It includes productivity tools, entertainment recommendations, and personal assistance.
Eve Assist AI - A general chatbot for business and travel

Prominent Features

👩‍💼 Assistant

With Eve Assist's AI-powered assistant, you can ask anything and receive personalized responses. From answering questions to providing information, recommendations, and insights, Eve is your go-to source for knowledge and assistance.

💼 Consultant Mode

Eve Assist's Consultant Mode provides valuable guidance and expertise in various domains. Whether you need business advice, career insights, or professional guidance, Eve will assist you with personalized recommendations tailored to your needs.

📈 Business Planner Mode

Eve Assist's Business Planner Mode leverages the power of AI to assist you in strategic planning, market analysis, financial projections, and more.

👥 Friend Mode

Eve Assist acts as your friendly companion, engaging in conversations, providing emotional support, and keeping you company. Chat, share experiences, and find comfort with Eve by your side.

Tech Stack


What we did

Mobile App Development
UI/UX Design

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This project is complete but it is pending to go live. We will update the status once it's live.