Even in the digital age, traditional marketing tactics hold value for SaaS businesses, especially when integrated with digital strategies. These tactics can broaden your reach, reinforce your brand, and capture audiences who might not be reached through online channels.

TV Advertising

Traditional TV advertising, often seen as a staple of major consumer brands, is evolving. While many may think TV ads are outdated, they still hold significant influence, especially for targeting broad demographics. However, the perception of linear TV advertising is changing, driven by the rise of streaming platforms and the shift in viewer habits.

Streaming Ads

As more people migrate to streaming services, advertising on platforms like Hulu, Peacock, and YouTube has become a powerful tool. These platforms offer targeted ads that can be as effective, if not more so, than traditional TV spots. For example, Hulu’s ad platform allows businesses to target specific demographics, behaviors, and interests, making it an appealing option for SaaS companies looking to reach niche audiences.

Linear TV’s effectiveness is now often questioned due to cord-cutting and the rise of ad-free streaming. However, TV remains relevant for brand awareness campaigns, especially when combined with digital strategies. According to Statista, TV advertising in the U.S. is still a multibillion-dollar industry, with a forecasted revenue of around $60 billion in 2024, highlighting its ongoing importance.

Print Media

While digital content dominates, print media—such as magazines, newspapers, and brochures—still holds a place in marketing strategies. Print can effectively target specific audiences, such as industry-specific magazines that SaaS businesses can use to reach decision-makers. According to Statista, print advertising spending in the U.S. is projected to reach nearly $14 billion in 2024, emphasizing its enduring impact.


Radio remains a powerful medium, particularly for local or regional campaigns. For SaaS businesses targeting specific geographic areas or looking to build brand awareness, radio can be cost-effective. According to Nielsen, 92% of U.S. adults listen to the radio weekly, demonstrating its vast reach.


Billboards are a timeless advertising medium that can deliver significant brand exposure. Strategic placements in high-traffic areas can generate thousands of daily impressions. For SaaS companies, billboards near tech hubs or business districts can be particularly effective in reaching decision-makers. The Outdoor Advertising Association of America (OAAA) reports that billboard advertising has seen a resurgence, with digital billboards providing dynamic and interactive content.


Despite the rise of digital content, physical handouts such as brochures, flyers, and business cards can still be effective, especially at conferences, trade shows, or local networking events. Handouts can leave a lasting impression, especially when paired with a personal interaction.


Referral marketing remains a potent tactic, especially for SaaS businesses. Encouraging satisfied customers to refer others can generate high-quality leads. Referral programs often incentivize customers with discounts, credits, or exclusive content, driving both retention and new customer acquisition. For example, Dropbox famously used a referral program to drive massive growth, offering extra storage space to users who referred friends.

Traditional marketing tactics, when used thoughtfully, can complement digital strategies and provide a comprehensive approach to reaching your audience. While the digital landscape continues to evolve, TV ads, print media, radio, billboards, handouts, and referral programs remain relevant and can effectively amplify your SaaS marketing efforts. The key is to integrate these methods with your overall strategy, ensuring a cohesive and impactful approach.